
Hazourds Waste

Medical Waste

Provide solutions for integrated e management and treatment of medical waste of cost, using the latest Technology. Through the management and organization of sorting, collection, transportation, appropriate treatment and final disposal of them after removing their potential risks.

Industrial Waste

Solid and liquid industrial waste management and treatment services. Preparation of studies and provide appropriate solutions not industrial waste management in a comprehensive manner, starting from the development of plans ranging from presence sites until transportation, storage and processing solutions have the final and safe disposal by a standards organization.
• The provision of means of transport of industrial waste and implementation according to the instructions of the irregular body.
• Classifying waste and determining the best appropriate ways to treat or recycle it.
• Close cooperation with the authorities qualified in the field of the recycling for some industrial waste.
• Provide the mechanisms for the appropriate treatment and recycling of waste elements.

Pharmaceutical Waste

Preparation of the necessary plans for waste treatment, pharmaceutical, implement and secure the units appropriate for the disposal security of waste including units of oxidation and thermal incinerators and burial of waste of all kinds.

Chemical Waste

Integrated services for the management of hazardous chemical waste for all industries and provide appropriate solutions to address it.

Asbestos Waste

We provide the necessary services for treatment and dealing with asbestos and provide appropriate solutions for safe disposal according to the health and safety regulations regulating them.

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